Building Trustworthy Digital Repositories: Theory and Implementation

This post contains affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases Building Trustworthy Digital Repositories: Theory and Implementation combines information on both theory and practice related to creating trustworthy repositories for records into one up-to-date source. This book will bring all the credible theories into one place where they will be summarized,

This post contains affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases

Building Trustworthy Digital Repositories: Theory and Implementation combines information on both theory and practice related to creating trustworthy repositories for records into one up-to-date source.

This book will bring all the credible theories into one place where they will be summarized, brought up to date, and footnoted. Moreover, the book will be international in its scope, and will discuss ideas coming from such important sources as Australia, Canada, and Western Europe.

Until about five years ago, there were very few implementation projects in this area. This book brings together information on implementation projects that answer these questions:

What is a trustworthy repository for digital records?Who is building these repositories, and what have been the results?How are institutions building or creating these repositories?How are institutions addressing the essential requirement related to the ingest or capture of records?How are institutions automatically and manually capturing essential metadata and audit trails?How are institutions implementing retention and disposal decisions within these systems?How are institutions implementing preservation strategies to ensure that digital objects are accessible over long periods of time?What is the current status of trustworthy repositories, and what will these systems look like in the future?

This post contains affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases

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