Adobe GoLive 6.0 [Old Version]

This post contains affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases User Manual for Adobe GoLive 6.0 is a powerful application for Web site design, development, and management for novices and professionals alike. The program provides easy-to-use site design tools, site-building tools, editors, and site-management features. It allows you to work seamlessly

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User Manual for Adobe GoLive 6.0 is a powerful application for Web site design, development, and management for novices and professionals alike. The program provides easy-to-use site design tools, site-building tools, editors, and site-management features. It allows you to work seamlessly with other Adobe programs such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, and Adobe LiveMotion. You can create rollovers and animations easily and add Macromedia Flash files and QuickTime movies. GoLive has come a long way from its conception as GoLive CyberStudio and has matured with each new version. With GoLive 6.0, we see a sophisticated program, rich in tools, and robust in abilities. It includes new and enhanced features for workgroups, wireless developers, and Photoshop and Illustrator users, and has added interface and wizard improvements that make starting out easier for Web-building neophytes.
— includes Quick reference card for MacOSThe Adobe GoLive 6.0 visual authoring program has a lot to offer Web designers, not the least of which is the addition of the Adobe Web Workgroup Server. Building on previous versions of GoLive, this release delivers powerful site management and collaboration capabilities, wireless authoring, and unparalleled support for incorporating print and video content. GoLive 6.0 also adds features that facilitate collaboration and help creative professionals easily develop content and rapidly deliver assets to a variety of outlets.

The Web Workgroup Server site management and collaboration tool lets multiple users track changes–as well as share and manage files–with ease. It adds version control and side-by-side comparison capabilities, including the ability to roll back to previous versions. Designers will also find full support for any WebDAV-enabled application in GoLive 6.0, including support for programs such as Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, and Macromedia Dreamweaver.

Other development features include a QuickTime 5.0 editing environment with streaming conversion and optimization capabilities. There’s also a visual authoring environment utilizing video, audio, SWF, and SVG with support for W3C standards (including SMIL). GoLive 6.0 even adds the ability to deliver database-driven content and native support for common dynamic scripting languages, including PHP, ASP, and JSP. And, as always, GoLive integrates tightly with Adobe’s entire family of professional design products.

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